Flu and Covid Vaccines Sept 24

We are now offering appointments for both Flu and Covid vaccines in Harbour Health. We are starting our clinics for eligible people on Wednesday 18th September. This year both vaccines are available free to all people over 60 and can be given on the same day. Many other people younger than 60 including all pregnant women, health care workers, people with certain chronic conditions and people who are immunosuppressed are also entitled to get these vaccines. A full list of who is entitled to get the flu vaccine can be found by clicking here. Details on who is also entitled to get the Covid vaccine can be found by clicking here. Please ring the practice to make your appointment.

Consultation rules Summer 2024

There has been a recent big increase in the number of patients presenting to the surgery with Covid. We are concerned that people may not always be testing before coming in with coughs and runny noses and unwell. Also, some people are making appointments for unrelated issues and are not disclosing when making the appointment that they are unwell. To protect our staff and our vulnerable patients (including older people, small babies, pregnant women and people with other relevant illnesses) we would ask you, our patients, for the following:

  • Always disclose if you have any cough/fever/runny nose/rash when making the appt (or when you turn up if symptoms develop after making the appointment)

  • Always do an antigen test before coming to the surgery if you have symptoms. Please bring the negative test with you.

  • Once checked in at reception, PLEASE remain outside until the doctor calls you.

  • Always wear a mask once inside the building

  • If you retest positive for Covid after being seen, PLEASE advise the surgery

MMR Vaccines for babies between 6 and 12 months

MMR vaccine is now available for babies who will be traveling abroad and are in this age range. They will still need to get the MMR vaccine once they are over a year. Vaccination under a year will only give temporary protection for the purpose of safer travel.

Shingles Vaccine

Shingles Vaccine

People 60 years of age or older should get shingles vaccine. They should get the vaccine whether or not they recall having had chickenpox, which is caused by the same virus as shingles.  This is now available in Harbour Health only by prior arrangement. This is currently not available free to medical card patients. For further details please contact the practice.

So, You’re Thinking of Becoming Pregnant? Updated Sept 22

So, You’re Thinking of Becoming Pregnant? Updated Sept 22

We at Harbour Health aim to help every woman who is considering pregnancy  to become as ‘Pregnancy Fit’ as possible prior to conceiving. We have introduced a Pre-Pregnancy Care package of 3 consultations. The aim of this care package is to identify any risk factors in you or your partner’s  history which may affect a future healthy pregnancy. We hope to apply interventions which may help to reduce the impact of those risk factors.

In the first consultation we identify any risk factors which could affect your future pregnancy. In the second consultation we do blood tests which will help establish your current health.  The third stage is for feedback on the investigations and to discuss health promotion and educational advice.

 Please tell our reception staff which stage you are at when booking your appointment to ensure you are given enough time.

Over 70's Medical Cards

The practice is delighted that our patients, aged 70 years or above, are now entitled to either a full Medical Card or a Doctor Visit Card under the state General Medical Services (GMS) scheme.

For further information online please look here.

If you are unable to register online, please do not telephone the surgery but e-mail us at info@harbourhealth.ie.

Under 6 Contract updated 9/22

GP Visit Card Under 6's

GP Visit Card Under 6's

Harbour Health are now accepting under 6 children who are living in the area on the new contract. Dr Madeleine McCarthy is the contract holder but you can see any of the doctors, including Dr Ross Kelly and Dr Annette Liston.  You can register your children at www.gpvisitcard.ie choosing the Harbour Health option for doctor or pressing here